Bugsnax Launches Better Than Octodad On PlayStation Consoles Despite Staying On PS Plus


Bugsnax Launches Better Than Octodad On PlayStation Consoles Despite Staying On PS Plus

Young Horses co-founder and president Philip Tibitoski shared on his personal microblog about the success of Bugsnax in comparison with the studio’s previous project.


As a reminder, the PlayStation 5 version of Young Horses’ edible adventure hit the November launch for PlayStation Plus subscribers. This, however, did not prevent the game from financially pleasing its creators.

Despite a two-month stint in the PS Plus lineup, Bugsnax was able to beat Octodad: Dadliest Catch (the studio’s previous release) in initial sales on PlayStation consoles.

According to Tibitoski, it is “crazy” for him to realize this fact, and the Young Horses team would like to express their sincere gratitude to everyone who has supported Bugsnax in one way or another.

Recall that Octodad and its sequel, Octodad: Dadliest Catch, tell the story of an octopus disguised as the father of the family. The player is required to perform everyday tasks, but the process is complicated by the inability of the protagonist to this.

Octodad: Dadliest Catch was released in January 2014 on PC, and between April 2014 and November 2017 it debuted on PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, Nintendo Wii U, iOS, Android, and Nintendo Switch.

The release of Bugsnax took place on November 12, 2020 on PC (Epic Games Store), PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5. The developers have not yet decided on further plans for the project, but they are not going to abandon their creation.