Caring and warmth: co-op sandbox Drake Hollow out on Xbox One


Caring and warmth: co-op sandbox Drake Hollow out on Xbox One

The Molasses Flood has announced the release of Drake Hollow Sandbox on Xbox One. The game has also been announced for PC, but no release date has yet been announced. To put it bluntly, the Xbox One release was also quite unexpected.


“Drake Hollow gives players the chance to experience something unique in the gaming world: the ability to take care of someone other than themselves,” said Forrest Dowling, CEO and Creative Director of The Molasses Flood. “ Our goal was to create a gameplay that was kind and engaging, both musically and visually, based on solid mechanics. We hope players will find Drake Hollow as fun and unique as we intended it

Drake Hollow takes place in a poisoned Hollow. The Drakes live here – a grassy people who suffer from hunger, thirst, and other serious problems. You can help them by setting up gardens to provide food and by digging wells to provide people with water. In addition, drakes can literally die of boredom, so you also have to amuse them – throwing yoga balls or opening a puppet theater.

By covering the basic needs of the drakes, you can help them with other things. For example, supplying electricity, which is generated from treadmills and solar panels. In addition to this, drakes are periodically attacked by local wild creatures. And since there is energy, then it will not be superfluous to build electrical fences for protection. In addition, enemies can be dealt with thanks to a wide arsenal of weapons. Drake Hollow supports cooperative play, so you can call your friends for help.

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Drake Hollow sells for $ 29.99 in the Microsoft Store. The game is also available in the Xbox Game Pass catalog.