Hiding Google Meet from Gmail Web will soon be possible


Google Meet has now appeared to more or less everyone on the Gmail desktop website, and now the options to hide it are also starting to appear. Just click the gear icon at the top right and choose Settings, then head to the Chat and Meet tab. From there you can choose which of the two services to leave active and which to hide.

Hiding Google Meet from Gmail Web

head to the Chat and Meet tab
head to the Chat and Meet tab

The novelty is recently distributed and has not yet reached everyone; the card is always available, but it’s called Chat only and there are no options related to Meet. For completeness of information, we point out that with Chat we mean Hangouts – it is important to specify it since Google’s strategy on communication services has been anything but linear over the years (but apparently finally there are now a precise route and plan ).

According to official Google notes, the distribution of the news began yesterday, May 19, and it should take a maximum of 15 days to reach everyone. For the moment, we said, we have no direct or indirect feedback in Italy.

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