Microsoft is working to fix critical bugs in Windows 10


Microsoft is working to fix critical bugs in Windows 10

Updates for the Windows 10 operating system often bring with them not only fixes and improvements but also cause all sorts of problems. Although they usually affect a limited number of users, Microsoft developers try to fix bugs. This time, the corporation has fixed the function “Reset the computer to its original state”, and also solved the problem with the periodic appearance of “blue screens of death” (BSOD) when using the tool chkdsk.


Last year, Microsoft acknowledged an issue related to the disruption of the Reset PC feature, which allows users to reset their OS settings to their original state. In some cases, when using this tool, the PC restarts, but the settings are not reset. The problem affects some users of the operating system Windows 10 (1809) and later. A fix for this bug is included in the January 2021 Cumulative OS Update.

The developers also fixed a bug due to which the use of the chkdsk utility, which allows checking drives for file system errors, in some cases led to BSOD. This issue appeared to some users after installing the December cumulative update KB4592438 for Windows 10 (20H2) and Windows 10 (2004). A fix for this error is also included in the January 2021 cumulative update package, after the installation of which the chkdsk utility will be normalized.

Microsoft also confirmed the existence of a vulnerability that could be exploited to corrupt the NTFS file system using a short command. The danger of the vulnerability lies in the fact that it does not require administrator rights to use it, since the execution of the corresponding command can be performed from an account with user rights. The developers are currently preparing a fix for the vulnerability. It is expected to be included in the Windows 10 Cumulative Update in February or March this year.

Also Read:  Microsoft has released an important update for Windows 10