Music of the Ancient Gods: DOOM Eternal Producer Reveals Who Will Compose The Ancient Gods, Part One Soundtrack


Music of the Ancient Gods: DOOM Eternal Producer Reveals Who Will Compose The Ancient Gods, Part One Soundtrack

DOOM Eternal Executive Producer Marty Stratton at the Gamescom 2020 Livestream of Bethesda Softworks Germany revealed who will be writing the music for DOOM Eternal’s The Ancient Gods, Part One.


We will remind, Bethesda Softworks and the developer studio id Software refused to further cooperate with the composer of the main game Mick Gordon (Mick Gordon) due to the aggravation of business relations.

According to Stretton, The Ancient Gods’ debut trailer, Part One, features a track by David Levy. The musician, in particular, is listed as the composer of the final seasons of Rooster Teeth’s Red vs. Blue web series.

In addition to Levy, Andrew Hulshult, the composer of the retro shooters Dusk, Amid Evil, and Wrath: Aeon of Ruin, and one of the composers of the music for Quake Champions, is working on the expansion’s soundtrack.

Hulschult and Levy from the very beginning of work on The Ancient Gods, Part One were advised not to try to recreate the sound of Gordon, but to be themselves and bring something of their own to DOOM Eternal.

“We didn’t want to deprive these artists of their individuality or force them to repeat other people’s moves. The DOOM brand inspires many creators, and [Hulschult and Levy] took a different look at it, ”Stretton said.

The Ancient Gods, Part One will go on sale on October 20 this year for PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Google Stadia. The add-on will be independent, that is, it will not require the main game.

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