Psychological thriller Twin Mirror will be released on December 1


Psychological thriller Twin Mirror will be released on December 1

Dontnod Entertainment has announced the release date for the psychological thriller Twin Mirror. The game will appear in online stores on December 1. Writes about this IGN. The project will boe published by Bandai Namco.

Twin thriller

Twin Mirror tells the story of a man named Sam Higgs. He returns to his hometown for the funeral of his best friend and wants to find out the secret of his death. With the help of his analytical skills, Higgs learns the necessary secrets and recreates the chronicle of events. Also, the main character will have to collect evidence.

While Dontnod specializes in interactive series such as  Life is Strange and the upcoming three-episode drama  Tell Me Why, it will be a full-fledged one-part game.

The project will be released simultaneously on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. On the latest platform, the game will be an Epic Games Store exclusive for a year. For pre-order, the developers will give the user a soundtrack as a digital bonus.

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