Tesla Cybertruck Test Drive at The Boring Company Tunnel in Jay Leno’s Garage


CNBC has uploaded a new episode of Jay Leno’s Garage on YouTube, featuring heroes Elon Musk and two products from his companies — the futuristic Tesla Cybertruck electric pickup truck and the tunnel built by The Boring Company.

In the video, Jay, Elon and Tesla chief designer Franz von Holzhausen discussed the design of the electric pickup truck, Musk walked with his feet on the steel trunk lid, and then the entrepreneur and presenter went to Cybertruck in the Los Angeles-built tunnel The Boring Company.

Tesla Cybertruck Test Drive

Jay Lenos Garage on YouTube

As they got to the tunnel, Musk assured that Tesla would retain this design in commercial designs, and the car would be bulletproof, because, according to Musk, “it’s cool.”

It is curious that the electric truck drove through the tunnel of The Boring Company for the first time, and the founder of Tesla was worried that the car could not fit there. As it turned out, his doubts were in vain – Cybertruck successfully drove through the tunnel with Leno as a driver, and at the end of the journey the pickup was raised to the surface using a special platform.

As conceived by Tesla and The Boring Company, in the future electric cars of the company will freely move through such tunnels with the help of an autopilot.

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