The player found a way to pause Outriders, but only on NVIDIA video cards


The player found a way to pause Outriders, but only on NVIDIA video cards

Reddit user Aced-Bread shared with the community the recent discovery of an undocumented feature of the co-op shooter Outriders that will appeal to NVIDIA graphics card owners.


Being focused online, Outriders, even in single-player mode, requires a connection to the servers, and therefore the game cannot be paused. At least that’s what the developers expected.

As Aced-Bread found out, there is still a way to stop what is happening in Outriders. Still, it is available only to NVIDIA Ansel technology users, which has received official support in the project.

To call NVIDIA Ansel, while in Outriders, simultaneously press Alt and F2. In addition to pausing the game, the tool offers the ability to create and edit screenshots.

Judging by the first reviews, the discovery of Aced-Bread is working properly: users in the comments vying with each other thank the enthusiast for the opportunity to be distracted from playing by small children and cats without fear.

The developers from People Can Fly have not yet commented on the situation, but it seems that this is a bug or, at least, a side effect of using NVIDIA Ansel.

Outriders are available on PC (Steam, Epic Games Store), PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and S, and Google Stadia. The game started successfully (in particular, in the digital service Valve). However, it is still experiencing problems with the servers.

Also Read:  Outriders May Follow Diablo III Path in Post-Release Content Support