Unmanned cargo transportation launched in the Arctic


KAMAZ vehicles without a driver transport goods along a 140-kilometer winter road to an oil field

Gazprom Neft announced the launch of a project for the transportation of goods by unmanned vehicles. The first unmanned KAMAZ trucks went on flights in the Arctic: at the Vostochno-Messoyakhskoye field, located on the Gydan Peninsula of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Trucks transport goods along a 140-kilometer winter road connecting the autonomous oil field with the village of Tazovsky. According to the company, the use of unmanned vehicles will increase the efficiency of the logistics of the northern fields and increase the volume of supplies of the necessary equipment and materials.

cargo transportation
cargo transportation

Unmanned cargo transportation launched in the Arctic

The safety of unmanned cargo transportation is ensured by the navigation satellite system, notes Gazprom Neft. Vehicles are equipped with several types of sensors that build a digital road map, scan objects in the frontal zone, recognize obstacles within a radius of 200 meters, and detect static and moving objects. The unmanned column is controlled using Russian software. In addition to unmanned transportation, artificial intelligence helps to design and build wells, monitor the safety of equipment and the state of permafrost, and also performs a number of other tasks, the company said.

cargo transportation
cargo transportation

We created the necessary infrastructure, together with the developers tested and finalized unmanned systems and the transport itself, formed the regulatory framework, and trained employees. Now we are starting a new phase. In 2023, we will be ready to provide unmanned transportation services not only to Gazprom Neft, but also to other Russian industrial companies.