YouTube has reinterpreted HD and ruined a long tradition. 720p resolution is no longer quoted


Only 1080p and higher is defined by the service as HD

The YouTube service team has taken a controversial step – 720p videos have ceased to be classified as HD (High-Definition, High Definition). 


YouTube has reinterpreted HD and ruined a long tradition. 720p resolution is no longer quoted

Traditionally, the resolution of 360p and 480p was called SD (Standard Definition), and 720p and above – HD. A further increase in video quality resulted in the appearance of such notations as Full HD, UHD, and so on. 

720p quality has been considered HD for years. In fact, there are still plenty of 720p monitors and screens around us. However, the YouTube team decided to go against tradition. 

Now in the browsers Safari, Chrome or Edge, and others, if you start the menu to select the resolution of the video in the YouTube player manually, you will notice that the 720p option has lost the HD mark. Now such a label is only next to 1080p and above. 

It is not yet clear what exactly prompted the developers of Youtube to take this step, and what Google thinks about it.

Also Read:  Google adds to the YouTube mobile app the ability to choose which video quality to launch by default