Radeon RX 7600 will cost just $270 and is 34% faster than RX 6600


That is, the RTX 4060 will be more expensive and probably slower

Today, reviews of the GeForce RTX 4060 Ti 8GB video card were published , which turned out to be only 6-12% faster than its predecessor. Against this background, the news about the recommended price of the Radeon RX 7600 seems more optimistic. It turned out that the model will cost not $330 or even $300.  

Radeon RX 7600
Radeon RX 7600

Radeon RX 7600 will cost just $270 and is 34% faster than RX 6600

The official recommended price is $270! In Europe, they will ask for 300 euros for a novelty. Recall, firstly, the Radeon RX 6600 once started at $ 330, that is, the new generation model will be almost 20% cheaper than its predecessor. Secondly, the RX 7600 will be 10% cheaper than the RTX 4060. Thirdly, the RX 7600 is 34% faster than the RX 6600 according to the first tests!

That is, while Nvidia offers a 12% gain over two years at the same price (comparing RTX 4060 Ti 8GB and RTX 3060 Ti), AMD will sell the new model 18% cheaper than the previous one with a performance increase of more than 30%.  

Separately, we note that the price data was obtained by Videocardz from an official letter from AMD.

Also Read:   Will Radeon RX 7600 be cheaper than previously thought?