The next deadly sin of Hitman 3 was pride – the season begins on May 10


The next deadly sin of Hitman 3 was pride – the season begins on May 10

As promised, Danish studio IO Interactive presented the next content season of its social stealth-action Hitman 3 as part of a special live broadcast on its Twitch channel.

Hitman 3
Hitman 3

Recall that with the announcement of the Seven Deadly Sins add-on, the developers decided to replace their monthly roadmaps with themed “sinful” seasons lasting 4-6 weeks.

As it turned out on the IO Interactive stream, the upcoming update will be about pride. The second deadly sin (the first was greed) will arrive in Hitman 3 next week – May 10.


The rest of the details of “Pride,” along with the roadmap of the season, the developers will present along with its launch on May 10. In addition, IO Interactive has confirmed which deadly sin will be the next – laziness.

Hitman 3 was released in January on PC (EGS), PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and S, Nintendo Switch (in the cloud), and Google Stadia. The game started making money for the studio just a week after its release and sold 300% better than Hitman 2.

“Pride” involves a return to Chongqing, where a new escalation contract will unfold. Themed items are used as rewards: a suit, a saber, and a sniper rifle.

The above content will be paid – you can buy it separately for $ 5 (“Greed” cost 116 rubles in the Epic Games Store and 359 rubles in the PS Store) or as part of the Seven Deadly Sins Collection for $ 30 ( 699 rubles, 2,149 rubles ).