120 km, 25 km / h and 40 kg of cargo. Smartron Tbike Flex electric bike introduced


It is designed to deliver small loads over medium distances

Indian tech startup Smartron has unveiled the Tbike Flex electric bike, designed to deliver light loads over medium distances.

Smartron Tbike Flex electric bike
Smartron Tbike Flex electric bike

120 km, 25 km / h and 40 kg of cargo. Smartron Tbike Flex electric bike introduced

The manufacturer claims that Smartron Tbike Flex allows you to transport, in addition to the driver, a load weighing up to 40 kg for a distance of up to 120 km – this is how much a bike can travel without recharging. The shipping container is designed in such a way that its dimensions can be adjusted according to requirements.

The Tbike Flex has a top speed of 25 km / h. Registration and driver’s license are not required for such a vehicle. The Smartron Tbike Flex electric bike is currently being tested in India and Mexico, as well as several countries in Latin America.

According to Mahesh Lingareddy, Founder and Chairman of Smartron, Tbike Flex is the ideal platform for delivering goods quickly, on time and at low cost.

In India, the Smartron Tbike Flex is priced at $ 550.

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