5 Best Home Remedies for Indigestion


Best Home Remedies for Indigestion

This list of the 5 best home remedies for indigestion features quick fixes to set your stomach straight as well as long-term support to help keep your digestive system running smoothly.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

I use apple cider vinegar (or ACV) all the time for digestive support and it almost always works. If I’m having indigestion or especially heartburn or acid reflux this one is a big help. I put 1 tsp-1 tbsp in a glass of water and drink it. For me it usually helps right away.

Although it might seem counter-intuitive to drink something acidic for acid reflux, it’s actually helpful because heartburn is really caused by too little stomach acid…not too much. We’ve been looking at acid reflux all wrong and trying to get rid of acid with antacids which can hurt your digestion in the long run. You need digestive acids to help you break down foods (learn more about that here).

Make sure you get apple cider vinegar that is raw and with the mother like Dynamic Health Laboratories Apple Cider Vinegar. This means that it is not heated or pasteurized and has the natural good bacteria and enzymes present that support healthy digestion.

2. Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal has long been known as a great way to treat food poisoning or digestive upset. It is thought to be so effective in helping with indigestion because it contains porous chambers that trap and bind with unwanted chemicals and gasses which are then flushed out through the digestive system. This is also why it’s good for hangovers!

I always have a bottle of activated charcoal at home for times when I think I may have eaten something that is giving me digestive trouble. I’ve experienced a few episodes when I went out to eat and ate something suspect, then started having a bad stomach ache, then took activated charcoal and felt better about 30-60 minutes later. I usually take four 280mg capsules of Nature’s Way Activated Charcoal when I’m feeling funky.

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Take caution with activated charcoal if you are on medication. It should not be taken within an hour or two of taking other medications or supplements since it can block the absorption of other drugs. Always consult your doctor before starting new supplements.

3. Digestive Enzymes

Digestive enzymes help you to break down foods more effectively (especially if you have food sensitivities for things like dairy). They are the best preventative measure to take against potential digestive upset, so always remember to take them before a meal. 

I am mildly sensitive to dairy and gluten so I try to avoid them for the most part, but sometimes I’ll have dairy or trace amounts of gluten when I go out to eat. Even if I choose seemingly gluten or dairy free meals, you never really know what’s in it when you’re out to eat. This is where digestive enzymes are a big help. I usually take them right before eating to help my body break down the food.

There are different types of enzymes for different purposes. For example, lactase helps to break down dairy, amylase breaks down carbohydrates, protease breaks down proteins and lipase breaks down fats. I like to take a broad spectrum digestive enzyme like California Gold Nutrition Broad Spectrum Digestive Enzymes which includes most of the different types to cover my bases.

4. Probiotics

This is less of a short-term fix and more of a way to improve digestion overall to help your gut perform better in the long-run. Having a healthy balance of good bacteria in your gut is a major way to ensure the prevention of digestive issues. Good bacteria comes from probiotics.

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While it’s always a good idea to include fermented foods (like sauerkraut, pickles, yogurt, kombucha, etc.) in your diet to get probiotics, many of us don’t eat them regularly enough to make sure that we’re getting lots of probiotics daily. That’s why I like to take a daily probiotic like California Gold Nutrition LactoBif Probiotics which keeps my digestive system healthy as well as my immune system.

5. Grass-fed Collagen

Collagen can help keep healthy levels of gastric acids to support normal digestion of proteins. It can also aid in reducing inflammation in the gut which makes it another excellent long-term way to improve gut health and digestive function.

I have at least 1-2 tbsp of collagen every day. Not only is it good for the digestive system, but it can also support healthy skin, nails and hair! I like to use it as a healthy protein powder in my smoothies, mix it into coffee or just add it to a glass of almond milk. You can even bake it into recipes!

Make sure that you get collagen that is grass-fed since you won’t get the same health benefits from conventional collagen. I like Vital Proteins Collagen because it’s grass-fed, flavorless and dissolves in easily with beverages.