Microsoft has updated many system icons in Windows 10


Last updated on December 8th, 2022 at 02:51 pm

Microsoft has updated many system icons in Windows 10

Developers from Microsoft continue to modernize the user interface of Windows 10. Earlier it became known about changes in the news widget located in the control panel, and now the source announced that the operating system has new system icons. These changes became available after the release of the next build of Windows 10, which became available to the Microsoft Insider Program members on the Dev channel this week.


According to reports, the OS has updated system icons that are now in line with the Microsoft Fluent Design style and have a more rounded and simpler appearance. The assembly also includes the new Segoe Fluent Icons font. Thus, new icons will appear in many of the user interface elements, such as the Start menu and the Settings application. It’s also worth noting that the new build uses the x64 version of PowerShell on ARM64 devices by default.

Obviously, the developers are working hard to bring more consistency in Windows 10 with Windows 10X, which is a modular operating system focused on low-end devices. While the new system icons appear to be a minor change, Microsoft will release a larger user interface update later this year under the Sun Valley name. It is assumed that its launch will occur in the fall of this year as part of a planned update of the software platform functions.

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