Breaking the foldable smartphone Huawei Mate X2 was not as easy as one might think


Breaking the foldable smartphone Huawei Mate X2 was not as easy as one might think

From an engineering point of view, foldable smartphones are a real miracle. However, in terms of durability and resistance to damage, they are inferior to classic monoblocs – this is due not only to the design but also to the materials used to ensure flexibility. However, the Huawei Mate X2 claims to be a pretty robust device.

Huawei Mate X2
Huawei Mate X2

Blogger and YouTube host JerryRigEverything staged a stress test of a new product from a Chinese company. During the tests, the smartphone was scratched, the display was heated with a lighter, and sand was poured onto the inner screen. As a result, the device, of course, turned out to be quite susceptible to scratches, but it is not so easy to bend it and break it.


The blogger tried to bend the screen in the opposite direction – the case with the display did not break, even though the presenter did his best. And all thanks to the constructive solutions that Huawei engineers came up with. When you try to bend the screen in the opposite direction, the two body parts touch and prevent the display from breaking.

Of course, this does not make the Mate X2 the most secure foldable smartphone, but it is definitely not worse than other solutions from competitors. Recall that the last flexible Huawei smartphone was presented in February 2021 and costs about 200 thousand rubles.

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