A little more about the compatibility of games for PS4 with the PlayStation 5 console


For new projects, compatibility will be required

As you know, in the battle of new generation consoles on the side of the Xbox Series X there will be backward compatibility with games for all previous generations of Microsoft consoles with the availability of “thousands of games” right at the start.

PS4 with the PlayStation 5 console
PS4 with the PlayStation 5 console

As for the PlayStation 5, Sony has not yet clearly explained this point, saying only that the new console will have compatibility with games for the PS4, and about 100 best games for the current generation of the console will be available at the start.

Now, new information has appeared on this subject. Sony reportedly told developers that all PS4 games introduced by Sony from July 13 should be compatible with PlayStation 5. Of course, when it comes to top-end projects like The Last of Us Part II, Ghost of Tshushima or Cyberpunk 2077, which will be released before the PS5 goes on sale, there is no doubt in their work on the new generation of the console. But now we can confidently say that all the new games presented after July 13 will later be available on the new console.

Just in case, it’s worth explaining in more detail that this is not about the release of the game, and not about the public announcement. It’s about the “presentation” of Sony’s game, that is, conditionally on certification. For example, Ghost of Tshushima comes out July 17th but has been certified for a long time. Therefore, formally, for this project, compatibility with the PS5 is optional, however, this is a large internal Sony project, so compatibility will obviously be ensured.

Another aspect concerns patches and remasters. If some game was presented by Sony before July 13, then compatibility with the PS5 is not required for subsequent patches and remasters, but it is “highly recommended”.