A Rock and Roll Nightmare (or Dream?): Taylor Momsen Gets Bat Bite Onstage


For Taylor Momsen, lead singer of The Pretty Reckless and former star of Gossip Girl, Wednesday’s concert in Seville, Spain, took an unexpected turn. While performing with rock legends AC/DC, Momsen found herself the unwilling participant in a bizarre rock and roll encounter – a bat bite! This seemingly unbelievable event has garnered significant attention online, with Momsen sharing the experience with her fans through social media.

Taylor Momsen Gets Bat Bite Onstage
Taylor Momsen Gets Bat Bite Onstage

Bat Country: The Bite Heard ‘Round the Tour

While belting out the aptly titled song “Witches Burn,” Momsen became the target of a real-life flying creature. A bat, seemingly drawn to the music or the stage lights, landed on Momsen’s leg and clung on. Unaware of the bat’s presence initially, Momsen continued performing. However, the audience’s screams and gestures alerted her to the unusual hitchhiker.

Captured on Camera: A Viral Rock and Roll Moment

The entire incident, including Momsen’s initial obliviousness and the audience’s reaction, was captured on video. Momsen, ever the rockstar, remained surprisingly calm throughout the ordeal.

The video shows Momsen acknowledging the bat once she realizes its presence. In a moment of characteristic wit, she addresses the crowd, saying, “I must be a witch.” She further assures the audience that both she and the bat are unharmed, even jokingly suggesting the bat might become her “new friend.”

Taking Precautions: Rabies Shots and #Batgirl

Following the concert, Momsen took the necessary medical precautions. She shared on Instagram that she would be undergoing a two-week course of rabies shots as a preventative measure. The post, which included the video footage, also revealed the nickname bestowed upon her by hospital staff – #Batgirl.

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Social Media Buzz: From Shock to Admiration

The bat bite incident has gone viral, with fans and social media users expressing a mix of shock, amusement, and admiration for Momsen’s composure. Here’s a breakdown of the online response:

  • Shock and Concern: Many fans expressed concern for Momsen’s health, highlighting the importance of the rabies shots.
  • Humor and Admiration: Momsen’s calm demeanor and witty remarks during the incident have been widely praised, showcasing her rock and roll spirit.
  • A Memorable Moment: This bizarre onstage encounter is sure to be etched in the memories of both Momsen and her fans, solidifying its place in rock and roll history.

Beyond the Bite: The Pretty Reckless and the AC/DC Tour

Despite the bat bite, the show must go on! The Pretty Reckless will continue to open for AC/DC on the European leg of their Power Up tour, which wraps up in August. This unexpected incident adds a unique twist to the tour, solidifying it as a truly memorable experience for both bands and fans alike.

Understanding Bat Bites: A Public Health Perspective

While a bat bite onstage is a rare occurrence, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and necessary precautions. Here’s a brief overview:

  • Rabies Risk: Bat bites can transmit rabies, a potentially fatal disease. Momsen’s decision to undergo rabies shots highlights the importance of seeking immediate medical attention after a bat bite.
  • Bats and Public Health: Bats can carry various diseases, but it’s important to remember that not all bat bites are a cause for alarm. If you’re bitten by a bat, it’s crucial to seek medical attention and follow the doctor’s advice.
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Taylor Momsen: Rock and Roll with a Dose of Caution

Taylor Momsen’s bat bite experience serves as a reminder of the unexpected events that can occur during a live performance. However, her calm demeanor and adherence to medical advice demonstrate the importance of staying level-headed in such situations. This incident will undoubtedly become a part of rock and roll lore, adding another layer to Momsen’s reputation as a fearless and captivating performer.