A tiny 1 megawatt engine has created. It is planned to used in commercial airliners


It weighs only 57.4 kg

MIT researchers have made a breakthrough in electric motor design technology that could pave the way for the electrification of larger aircraft.

The aviation industry has been working to reduce carbon emissions by switching to electric aircraft, but weight restrictions have created problems in developing electric motors with a power density comparable to jet engines. The new engine seems like a significant step towards that goal.

commercial airliners
commercial airliners

A new compact and lightweight design presented by MIT researchers is equipped with a motor capable of generating 1 megawatt of power. This achievement makes the electrification of commercial airliners quite possible.

A tiny 1 megawatt engine has created. It is planned to used in commercial airliners

The motor design includes a round drum rotor with permanent magnets and a stator with twisted copper wires. The design uses a new air-cooled heat exchanger made of aluminum alloy, which is located inside the stator. The cylindrical structure is a honeycomb of small air channels whose complex geometry requires 3D printing. But the design allows the team to achieve cooling performance close to what can be achieved with a fluid system while maintaining the necessary structural integrity.

The researchers tested key components and demonstrated in simulations that the engine would achieve expected power levels. With a mass of 57.4 kg, the engine has a power density of 17 kilowatts per kilogram, which exceeds the threshold set by NASA for large electric aircraft.

commercial airliners
commercial airliners

Experts believe that this breakthrough will allow the creation of aircraft of an unconventional configuration.

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