According to Neil Druckmann, Naughty Dog is currently working on “several” projects.


According to Neil Druckmann, Naughty Dog is currently working on “several” projects.

Since the release of The Last of Us Part II in June 2020, Naughty Dog hasn’t made any announcements. However, the team does not sit idle and is working on several projects at once. This was announced by the head of the studio, Neil Druckmann (Neil Druckmann).

the last of us part ii
the last of us part ii

In a personal microblog, the boss wrote: “If you ask me on Twitter about [Naughty Dog ]’s future games, I can’t say anything. Please be patient. We have some interesting projects, and we can’t wait to tell you about them. We will do it as soon as we can

Unfortunately, Neil Druckmann did not specify what games were in question. Most likely, one of them will be a multiplayer add-on for The Last of Us Part II. Information about her has already been leaked onto the Web. Besides, a month and a half ago, Naughty Dog opened more than thirty vacancies and announced work on “something incredibly cool” Surely we are talking about a full-fledged new game, which is being created in parallel with the multiplayer for TLoU II.

Recently, rumors circulated on the web that Naughty Dog worked on a fantasy setting project, but they were quickly denied.

Also Read:  The head of Naughty Dog has confessed his love for Jak and Daxter, but the studio is not engaged in a new game in the series