According to rumors, Telegram will place bonds for $ 1 billion for a closed circle of investors


According to rumors, Telegram will place bonds for $ 1 billion for a closed circle of investors

Messenger Telegram intends to attract investments for $ 1 billion by selling bonds for investors’ closed circles. Kommersant writes about this concerning sources familiar with the situation. It is alleged that Russian investors have already begun to receive offers.


The company is looking for investors in Russia, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. According to sources, the starting check for investment is $ 50 million, but the amount can be reduced to $ 10 million. In an IPO, bonds can be converted into shares at a 10 percent discount to the offering price. Telegram will independently organize the placement, and banks and brokers will become agents. Russian investors have already started receiving offers from VTB Bank and Aton. The companies did not comment on the situation in any way.

Presumably, the messenger is looking for funds to develop the service and pay off a debt to the TON platform investors. Due to claims from the US Securities Commission (SEC), the court banned the blockchain platform’s launch, considering it a sale of unregistered securities. Thus, Telegram had to return investments in TON, the volume of which amounted to about $ 1.7 billion.

Investment strategist “BCS World of Investments” Maxim Shein, in a conversation with “Kommersant,” stressed that now it is not profitable to make an initial public offering of Telegram shares. According to him, their price can significantly increase in the presence of stable monetization.

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