Aeroflot intends to buy 61 Airbus and Boeing aircraft from foreign leasing companies


Earlier, Aeroflot planned to buy 47 foreign aircraft

Aeroflot General Director Sergey Alexandrovsky spoke about the company’s immediate plans in a long interview with Vedomosti. Naturally, we are talking about the aircraft fleet.


Aeroflot intends to buy 61 Airbus and Boeing aircraft from foreign leasing companies

According to the top manager, before the end of the year, Aeroflot plans to complete the purchase of foreign aircraft from foreign lessors. Moreover, if earlier it was said about 47 such airliners, now we are talking about 61. These are Airbus and Boeing of all companies of the group (Aeroflot, Rossiya and Pobeda).

Sergey Alexandrovsky also said that in September Aeroflot would sign firm contracts for the supply of Russian-made aircraft – 34 SJ-100 and 18 MS-21. SJ-100 under this contract will go to “Russia”, MS-21 – to “Aeroflot” and “Russia”.

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