After the start of shipments of Lada Vesta NG


Prices depend on various parameters

After AvtoVAZ began to ship the first Lada Vesta NG to dealers, insurers have already calculated how much OSAGO and comprehensive insurance per car will cost.

The minimum rate for the 90-horsepower version will be 5,632 rubles, according to VSK Insurance House. Insuring the 106-strong version will cost 6144 rubles.

Lada Vesta NG
Lada Vesta NG

After the start of shipments of Lada Vesta NG

The Alfa Insurance company names the amount of 7535 rubles for the older model for Muscovites aged 30 years with an experience of 5 years. Insurance of the 90-strong version will cost 10% less.

In “Gazprombank Autoleasing” called the rate of OSAGO. For legal entities, it varies from 9,861 to 26,296 rubles. Casco insurance for legal entities on Lada Vesta will be 3.5–4% of the cost. The announced prices range from 1,239,900 to 1,689,900 rubles.

As Avtograd News reports , those waiting for the new Lada Vesta NG should not rejoice yet – even after yesterday’s  announcement  that AvtoVAZ began accepting pre-orders and shipping to dealers. The exact date of the start of sales is still unknown.

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