AirPods earphone exploded in user’s ear while talking


Even after therapy, he complains of hearing problems.

According to various sources, the AirPods earpiece exploded in the ear of a user from China when he spoke on the phone.


AirPods earphone exploded in the user’s ear while talking

The incident occurred on May 19. The 23-year-old resident of Zhengzhou city suffered, he received burns of his right ear. For two days, the owner of the headphones was treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, but even after therapy, he complains of hearing problems. Doctors also found traces of bleeding in the ear.

In the Chinese social network Weibo, it became known that a young man bought a headset in one of Apple’s partner stores. A set of defective headphones was sent to Apple to find out the causes of the incident.

It is also reported that the victim received compensation in accordance with local law.

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