Android 11 users face serious multitasking problem


Android 11 users face serious multitasking problem

While Android 11 did not revolutionize Google’s operating systems, it significantly improved the experience of using compatible smartphones. However, it was not without its problems. More and more users who have updated their smartphones to Android 11 are complaining about problems that prevent them from multitasking normally.

Android 11
Android 11

According to forum posts, users often find that the recently launched app carousel does not appear when they try to invoke it. Instead, the screen blinks black with a strange zoom effect, preventing you from accessing recently launched apps. The bug has been seen on all Pixel devices that have updated to Android 11, including the new Pixel 4a. It is reported that the multitasking menu regains its functionality after locking the smartphone screen, but this solution cannot be called complete.

It is worth noting that users have faced such a problem since the release of the first beta versions of Android 11. This behavior could be forgiven for pre-release assemblies, but the fact that it is present in the final product is puzzling because Google had enough time to fix the error … Now the search giant says the issue will be addressed in an upcoming update.

Also Read:  Android 11, all the new features of the operating system