Android 13 hacked a week after release


Security experts have already discovered several viruses that bypass the new Android protection systems.

The final version of the Android 13 OS was released just a week ago ( August 15 ), but cybercriminals have already found a way to hack it.

According to information security experts, several viruses have already been discovered that bypass the new security measures introduced in Android 13. These malware are ways to ignore the ban on the use of the Accessibility Service system by regular applications, which is one of the newest protection systems in Android 13.

Android 13
Android 13

It is noted that uncontrolled access to the Accessibility Service is dangerous because applications that have received it can spy on the owner of the smartphone, including intercepting calls and messages. Meanwhile, hackers from the Hadoken group have already created a couple of viruses that bypass protection – one of them behaves “quietly” and does not arouse suspicion. However, it downloads a second virus that requests access to the Accessibility Service. If the user does not attach any importance to this and issues permission, then his smartphone will turn into a tool for surveillance.

According to experts, while these viruses are at an early stage of development and work every other time, however, the speed of their appearance in the public domain just a week after the release of Android 13 cannot but be alarming.

Also Read:  The first developer release of Android 13 has been released