Apex Legends’ New Brawler Rampart Demo Trailer


Apex Legends’ New Brawler Rampart Demo Trailer

We already wrote that on August 18th, Apex Legends Battle Royale will begin the 6th season called Overclocking. The key innovation will be a new legend – modification expert Ramya Parekh, also known as Rampart. Electronic Arts and Respawn Entertainment have released a separate trailer dedicated to her abilities.


No modification engineer in the Outlands beats Rampart. All her abilities compliment each other harmoniously. For example, this skilled artisan will help the squad to securely gain a foothold in position: she can build up to three shelters that not only protect from bullets but also increase firepower when firing outward through the shield.

And the passive ability “Modified charge” increases the ammunition and reload speed of machine guns and her own minigun. Finally, the super-ability of the heroine allows you to deploy a heavy stationary turret “Sheila” on the battlefield, which can be used by Rampart herself and other team members. This gun has a high rate of fire and strong damage but also takes a long time to reload.

Rampart’s sharp tongue can only be matched by her arsenal. She not only owned her own mod shop but also made a name for herself in clandestine battles. Although enemies often come after success, Ramya Parekh knows from which end to take up the weapon she has improved. It can sweep away enemies easily, so the new season promises to be hot. By the way, here is the previously published “History of the Outer Lands” dedicated to the new legend: