Apple AirTag beacon hacked for the first time – it took less than 10 days


Apple AirTag beacon hacked for the first time – it took less than 10 days

Security researchers managed to hack AirTag in less than 10 days. A Twitter user announced this with the nickname Stacksmashing. He managed to replace the base URL with the desired one.

Apple Air Tag
Apple Air Tag

He compared a regular AirTag to a hacked one in a separate video. When a hacked beacon is scanned, instead of Apple’s service, it is prompted to go to a site specified by the hacker. This can be used for phishing and other fraudulent activities.

This is not the first security issue with the airbag. Earlier, Washington Post journalist Geoffrey Fowler (Geoffrey Fowler) said that the new beacons could spy on people. To do this, he tied AirTag to a colleague’s smartphone and went for a walk around the city with it. The device showed his location with amazing accuracy, and when riding a bike, it updated the position on the map every half a block. He believes that such a beacon can be thrown at any person.