Apple designs blood pressure bracelet


Apple designs blood pressure bracelet

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has declassified Apple’s patent application for a new wearable gadget designed to track vital signs.


This time we are talking about a bracelet for measuring blood pressure. Moreover, a completely independent device is described, and not a modification of the Apple Watch smartwatch.

The design of the gadget provides for the presence of a controller and a miniature supercharger that pumps air into the cuff. The system will allow you to determine the systolic and diastolic pressure.

Obviously, the collected indicators can be transmitted wirelessly to a smartphone, laptop or Apple Watch. In this case, users will be able to receive alerts about the dangerous state.

The patent application was filed in May this year, and the document was made public the day before, December 10. It is possible that in the future, wearable sensors with the described design will appear in Apple’s assortment, although the company itself has not announced plans to release such devices. 

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