Apple has blocked the installation of iOS apps on new Macs with the M1 chip through third-party services


Apple has blocked the installation of iOS apps on new Macs with the M1 chip through third-party services

GizChina reports that Apple has already begun blocking the installation of iOS applications on Mac computers with an M1 chip, bypassing the App Store. Earlier it was reported that the company plans to do this soon, but no one expected it to happen so soon.

Apple Ps app
Apple Ps app

We are talking about installing iOS applications using a third-party utility iMazing, which is generally intended to manage media content on iOS devices, but users have found another use for it. Now, when trying to install an IPA file, an error window appears with the text: “The application cannot be installed. Please try again later” As noted by The Verge, the error appears on computers with macOS 11.1 Big Sur installed. And for the first time, users of the beta version of macOS 11.2 faced the impossibility of installing iOS applications through third-party services, the system gave them a message: “This application cannot be installed since the developer has prohibited its launch on this platform.”… Therefore, the only source of iOS applications for new Macs based on the Apple M1 processor is the Mac App Store.

True, many iOS apps that are in the Mac App Store are not available for computers – such as Netflix, Instagram and Dark Sky. Despite this, as experience with manual installation has shown, they can work, and it is quite normal. Hopefully, most developers will soon be able to run their services on computers.

It should be said that to install IPA files, it was required to have a purchased or previously downloaded corresponding application on an Apple ID account, so the method did not allow pirating.