Apple has broken the iPad Pro. Tablets go into endless reboot


Problems started after installing iPadOS 13.4.1

Users of the 10.5-inch iPad Pro started complaining that the device was constantly rebooting and becoming practically useless. A large number of reports about the problem drew attention to the thematic resource AppleInsider. 

iPad Pro
iPad Pro

Apple has broken the iPad Pro. Tablets go into an endless reboot

Such posts on the forums and in the official Apple’s Support Community appeared in recent weeks after the release of the iPad’s 13.4.1 and iPadOS 13.5 updates.

Users complain that the tablet restarts soon after authorization on the device, sometimes a few seconds after logging in. For many users, such reboots occur repeatedly and without stopping. 

Problems are observed not only on the 10.5-inch iPad Pro, but there are also complaints from users of other models, there are simply fewer of them. So, in one victim, the 11-inch iPad Pro reboots every ten minutes.

Upgrading to the latest version of iPadOS 13.5 and rolling back to factory settings does not help. Apple has not yet officially recognized the problem and has not commented on it in any way. 

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