Apple relaxes App Store rules for developers


Apple relaxes App Store rules for developers

It became known that Apple has made a number of changes to the rules for placing applications in its branded digital content store App Store. Now, for minor violations, updates will not be blocked for applications, and developers will be able to appeal against Apple’s decisions and even propose changes to the platform rules.

apple app store
apple app store

It is worth noting that relaxing the rules will not affect the remediation process, developers will still have to make fixes to comply with the platform’s policy. However, now minor violations will not be punished by blocking updates, as it was before. Developers who disagree with any Apple decision regarding App Store violations will be able to appeal. In addition, developers can now propose their changes to the general platform rules.

Despite the fact that the changes were announced back in June this year, they came into force after the scandal related to the removal from the App Store of the popular game Fortnite and the account of its developer, Epic Games. This comes after the developers added their own payment for purchase mechanism to Fortnite, which allows users to purchase content without paying Apple’s 30% service fee.

Despite the changes made, the App Store platform is unlikely to undergo significant changes. This is due to the fact that Apple will continue to independently determine which violations are significant and which are not, and will also consider appeals and proposals from developers. However, the situation could change if many developers express their dissatisfaction with the company’s policy regarding the payment mechanism with a commission of 30%.