Apple servers could not withstand the massive flow of activations of new iPhone, iPad, MacBook and other equipment


There were a lot of Christmas gifts

Finding new iPhones, iPods, MacBooks, Apple Watches, and other Apple devices under the Christmas tree, users began to customize them and faced a problem.

Apple servers
Apple servers

Apple servers could not withstand the massive flow of activations of new iPhone, iPad, MacBook, and other equipment

Apple ID servers were overloaded, resulting in many users being unable to activate their devices. During setup, you are given the option to verify your Apple ID, but in most cases, users have encountered an issue where the device freezes during the verification phase and eventually informs you of the problem.

The source confirms that the problem manifested itself not only when registering a new account, but also in the event that a user transfers his existing Apple account to a new device.

According to user posts on the forums, at the time of this posting, these issues were less common, as Apple servers are gradually returning to normal operation.

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