German Gref believes that people do not always make rational decisions
The head of Sberbank German Gref, speaking at the SPIEF-2023, proposed the introduction of artificial intelligence systems in the field of public administration.

“ In general, all management is based on two components. The first is data-driven governance, this part of governance is rational. It is best, especially in public administration, to entrust decision-making to artificial intelligence systems. Artificial intelligence does not understand where and why to take a bribe, why put it under the table so that it rests, this is its strong point . Of course, such decisions should be given to the most automated decision-making systems ,” said German Gref.
“Artificial intelligence does not understand where and why to take a bribe,”
The second component, which was previously amenable to description and analysis, today, according to Gref, is a separate scientific part – behavioral economics. “ It is the influence of social, cognitive and emotional factors on decision making. People don’t always make rational decisions. Human society cannot be managed by making exclusively rational decisions. There should be a component that takes this part into account. This is the part where replacing a person is quite difficult and hardly necessary at all , ”he explained.
“ The future will be built in this way: people will create these very systems of automatic decision-making based on data, and people will remain where it will be necessary to determine goal setting and take into account the social, emotional and cognitive needs and properties of a person that are needed to make a decision” , German Gref predicted.