ASRock W790D8UD-1L1N2T/BCM motherboard introduced


For Xeon W-2400 and W-3400

ASRock has introduced a motherboard with the long name W790D8UD-1L1N2T/BCM, which is designed for the Xeon W-2400 and W-3400 processors of the Sapphire Rapids line.  

ASRock W790D8UD
ASRock W790D8UD

ASRock W790D8UD-1L1N2T/BCM motherboard introduced

The main feature of the board is that it has a Micro-ATX form factor with dimensions of 266 x 264 mm. And at the same time, it allows you to install the top-end Xeon w9-3495X with 56 cores and a TDP of 350 watts. 

The board offers eight DDR5 slots, four PCIe 5.0 slots and a rather modest set of ports, including four RJ45s, but the last point is due to the positioning of the system. 

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