Asteroid maze and high difficulty: the authors of The Outer Worlds spoke in more detail about the first expansion


Asteroid maze and high difficulty: the authors of The Outer Worlds spoke in more detail about the first expansion

The developers from Obsidian Entertainment have shared new details about the expansion for The Outer Worlds, announced at the Xbox Games Showcase. In an interview with GameSpot, Development Director Carrie Patel and Artistic Director Matt Hansen talked about the environment, as well as about the level to which the character should be pumped before heading to the DLC.


The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon is not a standalone adventure. It is inscribed in the main plot, so access to it will open only after completing certain tasks. In particular, the player will have to complete the main quest chain on the planet Monarch. After that, they can be transferred to the starting location of the add-on using the fast travel system. However, this opportunity will become unavailable upon reaching the point of no return (the first save in the last location). During the passage of the add-on, users will be able to return to the main game. Completing Peril on Gorgon is optional – it will not affect the ending of The Outer Worlds in any way.

One way or another, it is unlikely that a weak character will be able to pass the addition. According to Hansen, it is designed for players who have reached level 25. “Adventurous players can try to finish it with a lower level character, but it will be an ordeal,” he said. ” [We made the expansion so difficult] to please those who have already pumped their characters and want new features .”

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Peril on Gorgon will increase the maximum level of character development to 33 (by three levels), add new perks and flaws, melee and ranged weapons, as well as new abilities of different categories. “For example, if you level up your pistol skills, you can improve that skill and gain new, very addictive gameplay features,” Hansen said. On the Gorgon asteroid, players will generally have to wade through canyons with numerous structures, including vast underground structures. As noted by Patel, this terrain has opened up a lot of space for developers to experiment with “vertical” gameplay and location design. “Some places are closed, like tunnels, others are open,” she said. As Hansen notes, the asteroid resembles a labyrinth. Various memorable locations will not let you get lost in it: for example, toxic puddles and mutated enemies will indicate the proximity of a chemical plant.

In May of this year, Obsidian Entertainment Director of Production Eric DeMilt promised that the add-ons for the game will also be released on Nintendo Switch. However, Peril on Gorgon has not yet been announced for a hybrid console. Perhaps the DLC for her will be presented after the numerous technical problems of this version are solved.

Peril on Gorgon will be released on September 9, 2020, on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. It can be purchased separately for $ 14.99, or as an Expansion Pass for $ 24.99 (it will also include a second, yet to be announced) add-on.