AWAY: The Survival Series ‘Documentary’ Action Adventure Coming To Xbox One


AWAY: The Survival Series ‘Documentary’ Action Adventure Coming To Xbox One

Breaking Walls has announced that the action-adventure AWAY: The Survival Series is coming to Xbox One this year. The studio previously announced versions for PC and PlayStation 4. The game has been in development for five years.


AWAY: Nature documentaries inspired the Survival Series. The game is set in the distant future when natural disasters threaten all species’ survival on the planet. Users in the role of a sugar marsupial flying squirrel will travel through the wild to save their families.

The animal will have to soar over foggy abysses, jump from tree to tree and climb the trunks to the top. In this case, the narrator will describe each action of the hero. As you progress, you will find yourself in different terrain types with a unique ecosystem, be it a forest, an underground cave, or a swamp.

Sugar marsupial flying squirrel is at the very bottom of the food chain, so you will have to rely on your dexterity and ability to hide to avoid becoming a predator’s meal. In some cases, however, there will be no choice but to face the enemy face to face.

Interestingly, the soundtrack for AWAY: The Survival Series was written by Mike Raznick, the BBC documentary Life and Planet Earth II composer. The orchestra is recorded and serves to give you a feel for the documentary atmosphere as you play.

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