Bad Bunny, Jennifer Lopez, Ricky Martin Show Support


Bad Bunny, Jennifer Lopez, Ricky Martin Show Support for Kamala Harris Following Insult to Puerto Rico at Trump Rally

In a significant show of solidarity, high-profile Puerto Rican artists, including Bad Bunny, Jennifer Lopez, and Ricky Martin, voiced their support for Kamala Harris after a racially charged insult was made about Puerto Rico at a rally for Donald Trump. Stand-up comedian Tony Hinchcliffe shocked attendees with a derogatory remark about Puerto Rico, sparking outrage and prompting influential voices in the Latino community to speak out against such harmful rhetoric.

Bad Bunny
Bad Bunny

Hinchcliffe’s Remarks at Trump’s Rally Draw Criticism

At a rally held in New York City’s Madison Square Garden, Tony Hinchcliffe made disparaging comments aimed at various ethnic groups, including Latinos, Jews, and Black Americans. As the election nears, this rally served as a platform where controversial and offensive statements surfaced, including Hinchcliffe’s comment about Puerto Rico. “I don’t know if you guys know this, but there’s literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. I think it’s called Puerto Rico,” he joked, using his platform to spew hate.

These remarks were met with swift condemnation, especially from Harris’ campaign, which has been actively working to connect with Puerto Rican communities in key states, emphasizing the importance of empathy, inclusivity, and genuine care for Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rican Stars Rally Behind Harris

Puerto Rican-born superstar Bad Bunny, a global icon with a massive following of over 45 million on Instagram, wasted no time in addressing Hinchcliffe’s comments. He posted a story on his Instagram featuring Kamala Harris’ criticism of Trump’s response to Puerto Rico following the devastation of Hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017. Both hurricanes struck the island within weeks, leaving destruction in their path and killing thousands.

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Bad Bunny’s story not only served as a statement but also as a reminder of Trump’s track record with Puerto Rico. In his story, he featured a video Harris had shared on X (formerly Twitter), where she highlights what’s at stake for Puerto Rican voters, contrasting her vision for the nation with Trump’s record.

Jennifer Lopez and Ricky Martin Join the Call for Change

Following Bad Bunny’s lead, Jennifer Lopez, a Puerto Rican artist with over 250 million followers, and Ricky Martin, who boasts 18.6 million followers, also took to social media to express their outrage. Lopez posted a portion of Harris’ video message on her Instagram story, including a screenshot detailing Harris’ specific plan to assist Puerto Rico if elected. Ricky Martin echoed these sentiments, sharing a clip of Hinchcliffe’s offensive remark to highlight the importance of combating such insensitive and harmful rhetoric.

Backlash from Political Leaders and Activists

Politicians and public figures joined the discussion, calling for an end to this type of rhetoric in the political sphere. New York Congressman Ritchie Torres, of Puerto Rican heritage, condemned Hinchcliffe’s joke on X, emphasizing the danger of such comments. “As a Puerto Rican, I am tempted to call Hinchcliffe racist garbage but doing so would be an insult to garbage,” he wrote, urging Latinos to remember Trump’s pattern of divisive language when voting.

The View’s Ana Navarro, a political commentator and Puerto Rican advocate, applauded Bad Bunny’s response. She acknowledged his powerful influence among younger Latino voters and shared her gratitude for his defense of Puerto Rico’s dignity.

Harris Campaign’s Response to Racist Rhetoric

The Harris campaign quickly condemned the comments, using the opportunity to underscore its support for Puerto Rican communities, particularly in swing states where their votes are crucial. Harris’ campaign has been vocal about Trump’s handling of Puerto Rican aid following the hurricanes, pointing to an investigative report from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that found the Trump administration delayed over $20 billion in aid.

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Impact of the 2017 Hurricanes on Puerto Rico and Trump’s Response

In 2017, Puerto Rico suffered a dual catastrophe with Hurricanes Irma and Maria. The impact was severe, claiming thousands of lives and leaving lasting infrastructure challenges. The Trump administration’s response was widely criticized; it included delays in aid and symbolic gestures that many felt trivialized the situation. In one particularly memorable moment, Trump tossed rolls of paper towels to a crowd in Puerto Rico, which many viewed as a sign of indifference.

Public Outcry from Advocacy Groups

Democratic organizations and advocacy groups reacted strongly to the rally’s atmosphere. Battleground New York, a prominent Democratic organization, issued a statement describing the rally as “a torrent of unhinged crazy, racism, and xenophobia.” They emphasized the importance of moving past what they described as an era of divisive and harmful political rhetoric, calling for a shift toward leaders who genuinely care about the issues affecting Americans.