Blizzard boasted of the achievements of Diablo IV


This is the company’s fastest selling game

Blizzard has shared one of the first achievements of the game Diablo IV. In just five days, the novelty brought the developers 666 million dollars.  

Diablo IV
Diablo IV

Of course, this mark was chosen by Blizzard for a reason, given the theme of the game. More importantly, this amount is a record for Blizzard in its entire history, that is, in monetary terms, Diablo IV has become the company’s fastest-selling game. 

Blizzard boasted of the achievements of Diablo IV

The developers also reported that gamers have already played more than 276 million hours in total, that is, more than 30,000 years.  

During this time, players destroyed 276 billion demons, and 163 gamers managed to reach the maximum level of character development in hardcore mode with permanent death in this short time.

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