Call of Duty: Modern Warfare actress helped ban two brazen cheaters in Warzone


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare actress helped ban two brazen cheaters in Warzone

Cheaters in Call of Duty: Warzone is already so bold that they don’t even hide the fact of cheating on Twitch. But actress Alex Zedra, who played Mara in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare story campaign, recently helped ban two unscrupulous players.

call of duty warzone
call of duty warzone

Through her microblog, Zedra turned to Twitch and showed an excerpt from the cheater IcyVixen in Call of Duty: Warzone. It turns out that she is paired up with BeardedBanger – and both are cheating in the shooter. In the video, IcyVixen determined the enemy’s location through a small hill and immediately aimed at the enemy.

BeardedBanger initially defended himself and his partner but was banned shortly after IcyVixen when it was discovered that he too was cheating. Moreover, BeardedBanger did not even hide this but directly said that cheating and a high rating would help him conclude a contract with Twitch partners on the 12th day.

“Thank you, Twitch, for having banned most toxic hackers whom I have ever met in 5 years of work on this platform, – wrote later Zedra. – Glad to have witnessed how it banned live after [I was insulted], and I fought with them one by one, as they are cheaters “openly.

The problem with cheaters in Call of Duty: Warzone has been around for a long time and recently reached its climax when several streamers were caught cheating in an online tournament. And just last week, we reported that cheaters could even complete a match in-game whenever they want.