Celebrity used iPhone to advertise Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4


Spectacular advertisement for Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 spins on a huge screen in Times Square

Netizens immediately noticed that the American rapper Ludacris, advertising a Samsung smartphone, left a corresponding post on Twitter from an iPhone smartphone.

At the moment, Google and Samsung are conducting a joint advertising campaign, launching a video on the big screen in Times Square, which shows the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 clamshell and its capabilities.


This ad features Ludacris. At the beginning of the video, a dog (from the Ludacris Word of Mouf album) tries to take a selfie, but drops his smartphone, which is on the table. Then a musician appears and says, “Hey Google, play Stand Up by Ludacris.” On command, the smartphone launches a track in YouTube Music. He also gives the command “take selfie” twice, which allows you to take photos without using your hands. “A new way to take a selfie” is the slogan of this commercial.

This message was left by Ludacris on Twitter
This message was left by Ludacris on Twitter
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