The highly anticipated biopic Saturday Night, which chronicles the origins of the legendary comedy show Saturday Night Live (SNL), has garnered significant attention. However, Chevy Chase, an original cast member, had some less-than-flattering feedback for the film’s director, Jason Reitman. On a recent episode of Dana Carvey and David Spade’s podcast Fly on the Wall, Reitman revealed Chase’s harsh critique, sparking discussions about the film’s reception and Chase’s notoriously candid personality.
Chevy Chase’s Reaction: “You Should Be Embarrassed”
Jason Reitman, known for his work on films like Juno and Up in the Air, shared that Chevy Chase delivered a cutting remark after viewing Saturday Night. Reitman, 47, explained that he has known Chase, 81, since childhood due to his friendship with Chase’s children.
“Chevy comes in to watch the movie with [his wife] Jayni,” Reitman recounted. “After the screening, he pats me on the shoulder and says, ‘Well, you should be embarrassed.’”
This brutally honest comment elicited laughter from Carvey and Spade, with Spade noting, “That’s such a Chevy thing. You couldn’t write it better.”
Parsing Chevy Chase’s Intent
While Chase’s critique may seem harsh, it’s consistent with his reputation for making provocative remarks. Carvey quipped, “Chevy loves to say the thing you’re not supposed to say, to the extreme, where it can go wherever it wants to go.”
Reitman attempted to balance the sting of Chase’s words with an understanding of his comedic style. “From a comedy perspective, it’s pure Chevy,” Reitman reflected. “But I also spent two years of my life recreating this iconic moment and trying to capture Chevy perfectly. To hear that… well, it’s a lot.”
Spade also questioned how much of Chase’s critique was meant in jest versus sincerity. “It’s funny, but you have to wonder: was there truth in it? Or was it all just a joke?”
The Premise of Saturday Night
Released in October, Saturday Night offers a behind-the-scenes look at the chaotic and creative 90 minutes leading up to the first-ever broadcast of Saturday Night Live in October 1975. Cory Michael Smith portrays a young Chevy Chase, while Kaia Gerber plays Chase’s then-girlfriend Jacqueline Carlin. The film’s ensemble cast includes Gabriel Labelle as Lorne Michaels, Lamorne Morris as Garrett Morris, Dylan O’Brien as Dan Aykroyd, Matt Wood as John Belushi, and Ella Hunt as Gilda Radner, among others.
Critical Acclaim and Awards Buzz
Despite Chase’s criticism, Saturday Night has received positive reviews from audiences and critics alike. Gabriel Labelle’s portrayal of SNL creator Lorne Michaels earned him a Golden Globes nomination for Best Actor in a Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy. The film has been praised for its nuanced depiction of the early days of SNL and the challenges faced by the original cast and crew.
Chevy Chase’s Legacy and Controversial Reputation
Chevy Chase’s reaction to Saturday Night aligns with his longstanding reputation as a polarizing figure. Known for his sharp wit and often abrasive demeanor, Chase has made headlines for his blunt interactions with colleagues. Director Chris Columbus, for example, recounted his decision to leave the 1989 film National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation due to a contentious meeting with Chase.
“Forty minutes into our meeting, he says, ‘Wait a second. You’re the director?’” Columbus recalled. “I said, ‘Yes,’ and he replied, ‘Oh, I thought you were a drummer.’”
The Fine Line Between Critique and Comedy
Chase’s commentary on Saturday Night has sparked debates about how creatives interpret feedback from industry veterans. While some view his remarks as unnecessarily harsh, others see them as emblematic of his comedic persona. Reitman’s ability to find humor and perspective in Chase’s critique demonstrates resilience and an understanding of the unique dynamics within the entertainment industry.
1. What is the movie Saturday Night about? Saturday Night is a biopic that chronicles the chaotic and hilarious moments leading up to the first-ever broadcast of Saturday Night Live in October 1975. The film explores the relationships and struggles of the original cast and crew.
2. Why did Chevy Chase criticize the movie? Chevy Chase reportedly told director Jason Reitman he “should be embarrassed” by the film. While the comment may have been partially in jest, it aligns with Chase’s reputation for blunt and provocative remarks.
3. Who plays Chevy Chase in Saturday Night? Cory Michael Smith portrays a young Chevy Chase in the biopic, capturing the actor’s comedic style and personality during the early days of SNL.
4. How has Saturday Night been received? Despite Chase’s critique, Saturday Night has been well-received by audiences and critics, earning praise for its portrayal of the origins of SNL and a Golden Globes nomination for Gabriel Labelle.
5. What is Chevy Chase’s reputation in Hollywood? Chevy Chase is known for his sharp wit and often controversial personality. While celebrated for his comedic talent, he has also faced criticism for his abrasive interactions with colleagues.