Chinese New Year and 6th Anniversary: ​​Dying Light Creators Explain February Plans


Chinese New Year and 6th Anniversary: ​​Dying Light Creators Explain February Plans

Although development on Dying Light 2 has been going on for several years, Techland still supports the first part. Last year, the Hellraid expansion was released for her, a lot of in-game events were held, and the fifth anniversary was celebrated on a large scale. And now, the authors have published a plan of innovations that await players in February.

Dying Light
Dying Light

Chinese New Year (February 12), the developers decided to accompany the in-game event Lunar Event. It will run from 11 to 17 February. Besides, two new character skins will appear in the game.

And the culmination of the month will be February 25, the day of the sixth anniversary of Dying Light. The creators are preparing something interesting, but what exactly will be announced later. Recall that in honor of the game’s 5th anniversary, Techland launched an event that lasted a whole month.

Dying Light is a first-person survival action game. The game takes place in the city of Harran, which was quarantined due to the spread of a virus that turns people into zombies. The project was released in January 2015 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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