Counting Calories in Tequila: How Many Does Your Favorite Shot Add Up To?


Counting Calories in Tequila: How Many Does Your Favorite Shot Add Up To?

When it comes to enjoying a good drink, many of us like to monitor our calorie intake. Tequila, known for its crisp and flavorful taste, is a popular choice for many. But have you ever wondered how many calories are in that shot of tequila you’re sipping? In this guide, we’ll uncover the calorie content of tequila, explore factors that influence it, and help you make informed decisions about your tequila consumption.

What Are Tequila Calories?

Calories are units of energy found in all the food and beverages we consume. In the context of tequila, calories represent the amount of energy you get from drinking it. Understanding tequila’s calorie content is crucial, especially if you’re watching your calorie intake or trying to maintain a healthy diet.

calories in tequila

calories in tequila

Tequila’s calorie count primarily comes from alcohol, which provides about 7 calories per gram. However, there’s more to it than just alcohol. To determine the exact calorie content, we need to consider various factors, including the type of tequila, serving size, and any mixers or garnishes used in cocktails.

Tequila Ingredients:

Before we dive into the calorie specifics, it’s essential to understand the basic ingredients that go into making tequila. Tequila is crafted from the blue agave plant, primarily grown in Mexico’s Jalisco region. The core of the agave plant called the piña, is harvested and processed to create tequila.

How Many Calories Are in Different Types of Tequila?

The calorie content of tequila can vary based on the type or classification of tequila. Tequila falls into several categories, each with its own characteristics and, consequently, calorie counts. Here’s a breakdown of the most common types of tequila and their approximate calorie content per 1.5-ounce (44 ml) serving:

Blanco (Silver) Tequila:

Blanco tequila is unaged and typically has a pure and crisp flavor. It contains approximately 96 calories per serving.

Reposado Tequila:

Reposado tequila is aged in oak barrels for a period of two months to one year, which imparts a mellow and slightly woody taste. It contains around 98 calories per serving.

Añejo Tequila:

Añejo tequila is aged for at least one year, resulting in a smoother and more complex flavor profile. It has a slightly higher calorie content, at approximately 100 calories per serving.

Extra Añejo Tequila:

Extra Añejo is aged for a minimum of three years, making it the most mature and flavorful type of tequila. It contains roughly 102 calories per serving.

Flavored Tequila:

Some tequilas are infused with natural flavors such as lime, strawberry, or coconut. These flavored tequilas can vary in calorie content depending on the added ingredients, typically ranging from 96 to 100 calories per serving.

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Mixto Tequila:

Mixto tequila is a category that includes tequilas that aren’t 100% agave-based. They often contain added sugars or additives and tend to have higher calorie counts, averaging around 104 calories per serving.

Serving Size Matters:

While the type of tequila plays a role in its calorie content, the serving size is equally crucial. The standard serving size for a shot of tequila is 1.5 ounces or approximately 44 milliliters. However, many cocktails and mixed drinks contain larger portions.

Keep in mind that if you order a tequila-based cocktail like a margarita or a tequila sunrise, the additional ingredients, such as sugary mixers, can significantly increase the overall calorie count. Always check the recipe and portion size when enjoying tequila in a cocktail.

Calories in Popular Tequila Cocktails:

Here are the approximate calorie counts for some popular tequila-based cocktails, based on standard recipes with typical ingredient proportions:

Margarita (8 oz):

Margaritas can vary widely in calorie content, but a classic 8-ounce margarita contains around 280-320 calories. However, larger servings can exceed 500 calories.

Tequila Sunrise (8 oz):

A Tequila Sunrise typically has about 215-250 calories.

Paloma (8 oz):

A Paloma cocktail contains roughly 220-250 calories.

Mango Tequila Sunrise (8 oz):

If you opt for a fruit-flavored variation, such as mango, the calorie count can be slightly higher, around 230-260 calories.

Tips for Enjoying Tequila Responsibly:

Choose higher quality tequilas with a higher percentage of agave content for a purer and potentially lower-calorie drink.

Be mindful of portion sizes, especially when indulging in cocktails.

Opt for simple, classic tequila cocktails with fewer sugary additives.

Stay hydrated and drink water between alcoholic beverages.

Enjoy tequila in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Is Tequila High in Calories?

Tequila is often associated with a festive atmosphere and celebrations, but is it a high-calorie spirit? Let’s explore further.

While tequila does contain calories, it’s not particularly high in calories compared to many other alcoholic beverages. The calorie content of tequila primarily comes from its alcohol content, as alcohol is calorie-dense. On average, a standard 1.5-ounce (44 ml) serving of tequila contains approximately 96-102 calories.

The type of tequila you choose can slightly impact its calorie content. For instance, blanco (silver) tequila is typically lower in calories, while extra añejo tequila, aged the longest, may have a slightly higher calorie count. However, these differences are generally minimal.

Tequila and Weight Management

If you’re watching your calorie intake or trying to manage your weight, enjoying tequila in moderation can be a reasonable choice. Compared to cocktails loaded with sugary mixers or high-alcohol content beverages, tequila can be a more calorie-conscious option. Here are some tips for incorporating tequila into a weight-conscious lifestyle:

Choose Simple Mixers:

When crafting tequila cocktails, opt for fresh ingredients and simple mixers like lime juice, soda water, or seltzer instead of sugary syrups and liqueurs.

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Mind the Portions:

Be mindful of portion sizes. Stick to the recommended 1.5-ounce (44 ml) serving for a standard shot of tequila.

Avoid Excessive Calories:

Many tequila cocktails, like margaritas, can pack extra calories due to added ingredients. Consider lighter versions or reduced-sugar options.

Stay Hydrated:

Alcohol can dehydrate your body, so be sure to drink water alongside your tequila to stay well-hydrated.

Tequila, Health, and Moderation

While tequila may have some potential health benefits, such as certain compounds found in agave that could support blood sugar control, it’s essential to remember that excessive alcohol consumption can have adverse health effects.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is tequila gluten-free?

Yes, pure tequila made from 100% agave is gluten-free.

What’s the difference between blanco and reposado tequila?

Blanco tequila is unaged and has a clear appearance, while reposado tequila is aged in oak barrels, giving it a slightly golden hue and a mellower flavor.

How many calories are in a tequila shot?

A standard 1.5-ounce (44 ml) shot of tequila contains approximately 96-102 calories.

What are some low-calorie tequila cocktails?

Some lower-calorie tequila cocktails include a tequila and soda with lime, a tequila and seltzer with a splash of fruit juice, or a tequila sunrise with reduced-sugar mixers.

Does tequila have any health benefits?

Some studies suggest that certain compounds in agave, the plant used to make tequila, may have potential health benefits, but more research is needed.

Is tequila a good choice for weight management?

Tequila can be a reasonable choice for weight management when consumed in moderation and with calorie-conscious mixers.

Can tequila help with digestion?

Some people believe that a shot of tequila after a meal can aid digestion, but scientific evidence supporting this claim is limited.

What are the effects of excessive tequila consumption?

Excessive tequila consumption can lead to various health issues, including liver damage, addiction, and increased calorie intake.

Is tequila a good option for people with diabetes?

People with diabetes should consume alcohol with caution and in moderation, as it can affect blood sugar levels.

Are there any non-alcoholic alternatives to tequila?

Yes, non-alcoholic tequila alternatives are available that mimic the flavor without the alcohol content.


When enjoyed responsibly and in moderation, tequila can be a relatively low-calorie alcoholic beverage. Choosing simpler mixers and being mindful of portions can help keep your tequila-based drinks calorie-conscious. Remember that alcohol should always be consumed in moderation, and it’s essential to prioritize your overall health and well-being.