Cyberpunk 2077 No Day 1 Patch: Broken Animations, Flickering Screen, and Other Issues for Early Players


Cyberpunk 2077 No Day 1 Patch: Broken Animations, Flickering Screen, and Other Issues for Early Players

It was recently revealed that retailer Best Buy sent out physical copies of Cyberpunk 2077 to individuals who pre-ordered the game. Thanks to this, some users have already been able to launch and begin playing the hotly anticipated action RPG. Judging by their feedback, in the absence of the first-day patch, you have to put up with a bunch of technical problems.

Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077

A visitor to the Reddit forum under the pseudonym scorpo187 has already played Cyberpunk 2077 for six hours on Xbox Series X and shared his impressions. According to him, the project turned out to be incredibly large-scale, and the population density in Knight City is higher than the user expected. The frame rate is kept within 60 frames / s, but sometimes drops occur.

Then scorpo187 listed many of the problems it ran into in the game. These include broken animations, disabling the controller, passing through objects in the environment while running, screen flickering, NPCs and vehicles appearing out of thin air. The user also noted incorrectly working dialogues and a huge number of identical NPCs. According to him, the current version of Cyberpunk 2077 does not feel ready and needs to be improved.

With statements, scorpo187 agreed with DynastyNewb23 and stage2loxload, who also had to try out a new action-RPG CDPR. However, it is important to keep in mind that the players have a version without the first-day update. Recently, CD Projekt RED’s communications manager for Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, Fabian Mario Döhla, wrote about this on his microblog.

Cyberpunk 2077 will be released on December 10, 2020, on PC, PS4, Xbox One, GeForce Now, and Google Stadia. Later there will be versions of the game for the next generation consoles.

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