Dangerous Platform 69 ¾: Funny Harry Potter Reference Found in Cyberpunk 2077


Dangerous Platform 69 ¾: Funny Harry Potter Reference Found in Cyberpunk 2077

The world of Cyberpunk 2077 is packed with a variety of Easter eggs. Since the game’s release, users have managed to find references to Ciri’s stay in another world, to “Indiana Jones” and countless loads of smugglers in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. And now, a visitor to the Reddit forum under the pseudonym thesailorscout shared his find. He discovered in the project a funny secret related to the Harry Potter universe.

Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077

The player posted a picture showing a building wall that says “platform 69 ¾”. Moreover, the six is ​​specially painted in black, and the rest of the numbers – in white. This makes the reference easier to perceive. And just below, there is the phrase “hit here,” and hands are drawn pointing to a specific place.

As thesailorscout reported, individual NPCs do test the wall for strength. They beat against her and then go on about their business. This is a reference to the wizards from Harry Potter and their way of passing platform 9 ¾. To find the Easter egg, users should navigate a terminal called Pumping Station in Wellsprings and cross the road.

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