Darkest Dungeon II Devs Explained Choosing Epic Games Store As Early Access Site


Darkest Dungeon II Devs Explained Choosing Epic Games Store As Early Access Site

Red Hook Studios co-founders Chris Bourassa and Tyler Sigman in an interview with PC Gamer explained why they chose Epic Games Store as their early access site for Darkest Dungeon II.

Darkest Dungeon 2

Recall that the sequel to the dark role-playing tactical game Red Hook Studios will appear on sale in other digital stores on PC only after the release from the pre-release state.

“Few understand how quickly even successful companies can fail. Sometimes, especially in the case of small studios, it only takes one product that does not sell well, ”said Sigman.

According to Sigman, Red Hook Studios went all-in with the sequel: “As with the first game, we staked everything on one game and want to give ourselves the best chance to keep doing it in the future if [Darkest Dungeon II] doesn’t get the credit it deserves.” …

Bourassa added that the Epic Games deal also “strengthens and fosters this manufacturing mentality:“ Let’s just do it. What we can? Create cool so [the game], as far as possible ”.

“We respect each fan’s decision about where and when they want to play. We’re not going to tell them how to feel about it, to be happy or not, but our goal is to make a great game, ”said Sigman.

Darkest Dungeon II Early Access is expected to launch in 2021 on the Epic Games Store. At the same time, Red Hook Studios will be ready to announce the exact date of the project’s entry into the sale no earlier than the second half of 2021.

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