Diablo 2 Remake in the Grim Dawn mod. Fans continue to bring Blizzard to new realities


Classic Diablo 2 was released in 2000 and it is hardly worth dreaming that Blizzard will update the game.

The company is working on Diablo 4 and controls Diablo Immortal, so there will be no additional project for this universe in the coming years.

Diablo 2 Remake
Diablo 2 Remake

However, for modders, nothing is impossible. For several years, fans have been working on moving Diablo 2 to Grim Dawn. The work continues, and the authors declare that now the mod includes all the content and characters (including the druid and the assassin from the add-on), so the impression is as close to the original as possible.

To install Reign of Terror, you need to buy Grim Dawn and two add-ons (Ashes of Malmouth and Forgotten Gods), and download all the files separately or use the Reign of Terror Launcher, so the update is automatic.


Download the modification by reference . For installation instructions, see another link .

We also offer a look at a relatively fresh video with 15-minute gameplay for the druid.

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