Easy data transfer from Microsoft Exchange Server appeared in Yandex 360


The update also affected the administration capabilities

The Yandex team announced the expansion of the functionality of the Yandex 360 universal set of services. New management options have appeared in the Yandex 360 virtual office for business. The main innovation was a simplified transition from local Microsoft Exchange Servers.


The press release explained:

Previously, companies had only two ways to move from on-prem Exchange Server to Yandex 360 for business: either the administrator collected a single CSV file with logins and passwords for all employees, or employees set up the transfer of their data on their own. Now you can migrate centrally: set up delegated access to mailboxes on the Exchange Server side and upload a CSV file with logins to Yandex 360 for business. Passwords do not need to be requested from employees, which allows you to maintain the confidentiality of personal information.

Easy data transfer from Microsoft Exchange Server appeared in Yandex 360

The update also affected the administration of the organization. You can now track and analyze user activity and file operations. If the user uploaded, moved, or deleted a file, this event and its exact time will be displayed in the Drive event log. In this way, violations can be quickly identified and confidentiality of corporate information can be maintained.

You no longer need to manually create departments within a virtual office: members and their email addresses are transferred from the Microsoft Active Directory directory service automatically. Additionally, you can centrally set the sending address and signature for users using HTML markup, manage employee avatars, and set up email forwarding and auto-reply on the employee’s account. 

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Recall that Yandex 360 is a set of services for work, which includes Yandex Documents, Yandex Mail, Yandex Disk, Yandex Telemost, Yandex Calendar, Yandex Notes and Yandex Messenger.