Edit text and images in PDFs


Free PC programs to edit, delete, insert and replace text and images in a PDF document

There are several reasons why the PDF file format is so popular for exchanging documents: PDF files are more compact (smaller in size) than the original document; you can open a PDF file on any computer or mobile device with free software such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or other similar programs; PDF files cannot be edited easily, especially with software that works only as a reader.
PDF document
PDF document
If we use the PDF we want to prevent the recipient from modifying it as we could do with a Word document, limiting the changes only to the necessary text fields (signature, date etc.). However, most PDF editing tools are commercial, paid programs; in this guide we will show you the best free online programs and services to edit text and images on PDFs.

1) PDFescape (Web)

To make small changes to a PDF file, for example, to hide a phone number, you can use an online editor called PDFescape.

The free web application allows you to upload the document and make the necessary changes to it, even in the case of PDFs protected by passwords or modifications. We can add text, add editable fields (like checkboxes), edit and remove text and images, and much more.

Once the modification is complete, just save and download the new PDF without any blocking and with the changes correctly applied to it.

2) PDFzorro (Web)

Another site where you can edit a PDF is PDFZorro.

By uploading your PDF document to be edited on the site, you can add text, annotations, lines, shapes, and so on, and then download the modified version directly via your browser.

Also in this case, at the end of the work, we can save and download the modified document as a new PDF file, ready to be shared or stored in the device memory.

3) PDF-XChange Editor

To insert text on a PDF you can use PDF-XChange Editor.

PDF XChange is a free PDF viewer and editor that you can use to write text or add images to a PDF page like any other paid program.

Most of the features are offered for free, so we can take advantage of it to edit text and images on PDFs on any Windows PC.

4) LibreOffice

To make changes to a PDF document we can also use LibreOffice Draw, a program included in the free and open-source LibreOffice suite .

LibreOffice Draw supports PDF editing so you can easily correct typos in a PDF document or change its formatting, color, text size, font, etc.

LibreOffice also includes support for annotations, shapes, images, tables and graphics, making it one of the best solutions for editing PDFs on Windows, Mac and Linux.

5) Inkscape

Inkscape is a free vector drawing program and also allows you to edit a PDF.

With Inkscape, you can select any object on a PDF page (text, images, tables, etc.) and move them to a different position or even permanently remove them from the PDF file, so as to make changes even to PDFs full of graphics and diagrams without problems.

6) PDF Eraser

PDF Eraser is a completely free program that allows you to edit a PDF in a non-traditional way.

Using this program we are not going to modify the text contained in the PDF document, but we can delete it and rewrite it. PDF Eraser contains tools to remove objects and text from a PDF document and add other things.

The interface provides a set of erasers, to be used as if they were brushes, to remove certain parts of the PDF; the size of the eraser can be changed so that you can be more precise depending on the area to be changed.

To edit the text you must therefore first use the eraser carefully on the text area to be erased using the same color as the background. Once the area is cleared, a new text box can be added by typing with the keyboard and choosing color, font and font size. You can also add and remove entire images which you can also resize and move.

7) Smallpdf (Web)

Another very convenient web service to use for editing text and images on PDFs is Smallpdf.

To use this site online, simply upload the PDF document or drag it into the window to obtain a complete PDF editor with which to remove, add or modify parts of text, images, and graphics. In the end we will always be able to save the document and re-download the PDF with the changes so that we can re-share it modified.

In addition to uploading files from your PC, the site allows you to upload PDF files saved on the cloud, specifically on Google Drive or Dropbox.

8) Sodapdf (web)

Another valid site that we can use to edit text and images in PDFs is Sodapdf.

With Sodapdf we can upload our PDF document online and access a real complete editor, where it is possible to modify the present text, add notes and new portions of text, sign documents and modify the images inside it.

After making the changes we can choose to immediately save the new PDF, so as to start the download in the browser and keep the modified copy of the original document.

9) iLovePDF (web)

Among the best sites we can use to edit PDFs for free online we find iLovePDF.

With iLovePDF we can upload the document to a secure online platform and proceed with the simplest changes, so we can add text, add shapes, add images and draw a signature.

At the end of the changes, press the Edit PDF button and wait for the end of the conversion: the download of the new PDF file will start.

10) Sejda (web)

One of the easiest and fastest websites to edit PDFs online is Sejda.

With Sejda we will have numerous tools for editing PDF files. It is currently one of the best for the number of tools available: it allows you to add parts of the text, add links, add shapes, add images, add a signature, delete, annotate, find and replace and modify the text and images already present. in the document.

After applying the necessary changes, all we have to do is press Apply the changes at the bottom to save the new PDF, which will be immediately downloaded to the memory of our computer.


Who said that to edit PDFs we have to use a very expensive paid program like Adobe Acrobat Reader Pro? As seen in this guide, there are many programs to edit text and images in PDFs quickly and easily, without downloading anything on the PC: most of the recommended applications are web apps, i.e. they work directly from the browser as a simple web page. and allow you to download the new PDF with the changes.